National Pet First Aid Awareness Month: Helping Your Pet in Emergencies

With April quickly coming to an end, we want to take a few moments to discuss an important topic. This month is National Pet First Aid Awareness Month and the perfect time to brush up on your knowledge about first aid and what to do to help your pet in emergencies. No one wants to think about their pet developing a sudden illness, ingesting a toxic substance, or getting hurt, but these situations are more common than many pet parents realize. Knowing what to do if one of these disasters strikes your family could literally save your beloved companion’s life. Keep reading to discover some helpful advice from the veterinarians at VetCheck Pet Urgent Care Center.

What to Do in an Emergency

First and foremost, remain calm. Don’t let the surge of adrenaline get the best of you and prevent you from properly caring for your pet. Panicking will likely make the problem worse, so do your best to maintain a level head.

Here are a few other things you should do to help your pet:

  • If they are unresponsive, check for vital signs.
  • Start CPR immediately if your pet isn’t breathing.
  • If your pet is choking, attempt to carefully clear their airway.
  • Remove hazards like spilled chemicals, broken glass, sharp objects, etc. from the area to avoid further problems.
  • Apply pressure to lacerations to slow or stop bleeding.
  • Don’t move your pet without checking for broken bones.
  • Contact Animal Poison Control or other emergency services as appropriate.
  • Seek veterinary care as quickly as possible.

We encourage you to learn pet first aid, too, so you’ll know exactly what to do if your beloved companion needs help. In many cases, knowing first aid will allow you to stabilize your pet before taking them to a veterinarian.

Pet Urgent Care in Carmel

If your precious pet needs urgent care in Carmel or the surrounding areas, we can help. At VetCheck Pet Urgent Care Center, we provide comprehensive emergency and urgent care services and would be honored to be entrusted with your pet’s care in their time of need. Please contact us today to learn more or let us know you’re bringing your furry friend in.